Industrial Painting & Lining
Industrial Painting & Lining
Snow White Services has provided specialized coating systems to the agriculture industry for more than 40 years. We engineer systems for extended service life in complex environments.
Our Corrosion Engineers can perform corrosion surveys and provide long term solutions over a 15 year period.

Abrasive Blasting is not new to Agriculture but many new media’s have made it much more effective, efficient and safer. New OSHA mandates have forced a change in the game for the benefit of everyone. We can now blast right next to other Trades because the air borne particulate (dust) has been minimized to a great extent. Snow White employs all the latest technologies that will maximize effectiveness, enhance safety as well as efficiency. The use of old Media’s like, Sand, Corn Cob and Walnut Shell have all but been replaced with Plastic Pellets, Aluminum Oxide and Garnet lodged in a polyurethane sponge called Sponge-Jet Blasting, this method is also very recyclable and removes 80% of the air borne particulate (dust) making it one of the most effective methods of Abrasive Blasting.
Through testing of these new methods Snow White now relies on “Vapor Blasting” more than any other method. This method utilizes water injected into the blast stream effectively removing 92% of the dust from the air at no additional cost and at the same time substantially reduces the amount of abrasive consumed with no loss of production. The Blaster can now view the surface clearly while blasting allowing for higher production rates. Depending on the choice of Blast Abrasive being used it’s possible to recycle up to 90% of the used abrasive. Each of the items mentioned lowers costs to the consumer and positively impacts the environment. Contact a Snow White Coatings Representative to review your project options today.

Additional Specialty Services
We provide surface preparation, painting, and lining services for all structures and equipment.